Our Work Around The Community

Annual Farm To Table Dinner
Every year during the harvest our farmers and members come together and have a great time. We celebrate our community by coming together and fellowshipping. The cooperative provides dinner by using some of our member's products on our menu. It is a great time to prepare for the next season, have good conversation and meet the new members.
Local Farmer's Markets
This is your farmer's way to bring fresh, organic and locally raised produce, poultry, beef and many more goodies to the community. The Farmer's Market is held in Lagrange and surrounding areas to give the community a chance to partake in the fresh local items.

Farmers In the Community
Our farmers are local and work hard to bring organic items to your tables. The year round work is hard, and the local farmers are able to provide fresh organic veggies, meats, poultry, eggs and homemade products to the community. WGFC farmers are dedicated to the process of bringing agriculture to the community. Some of our farmers made the local news
Teaching the Young
Teaching our young through community outreach about the importance of farming is great way to introduce kids to how they get the food on their plates. The process of how food makes it to our tables is fun and educational for children to see veggies grow. Many other foods take the long journey from seed to plant to fruit and showing the children this helps them understand how everything works together.. Educating our youth is the way to keep organizations like West Georgia Farmers' Cooperative thriving for generations to come.